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Sean Lim / RESKEW

My RESKEW series are all made from used corrugated cardboard boxes. Each piece of cardboard is carefully hand-cut with a razor to its shape and size, sometimes scored to create curves, and precisely staggered to create the stepping effect. It's then all glued together and painted. Some are also enhanced with yarn, string, and resin.

Corrugated cardboard, yarn, resin, wood, vinyl
32"W x 60"H x 2.5"D

Yarn 8 Clean.jpg

Triple Ripple
Corrugated cardboard, glue, paint, fiberboard
36"W x 24"H x 3"D  - SOLD

Triple Ripple + edit T.png

Blue Ripple
Corrugated cardboard, glue, paint, fiberboard
24” W x 46”H  x 3”D  -  SOLD


Red Square

corrugated cardboard, glue, paint

32”W x 32”H x 2-1/2”D

Red Square 1 (10 inch).jpg
Blue Ripples T.png
Red Square - angle (10 inch).jpg
black front.jpg

Winter's Night

Corrugated cardboard, glue, paint, fiberboard

41"W x 41"H x 5"D   - SOLD

Blue Square angle.jpg

Blue Square 
corrugated cardboard, glue, paint
23"W x 23"H x 2.5"D 

Blue Square.jpg

Nine                                   corrugated cardboard, glue, paint       41”W x 41”H x 2.5”D - SOLD


corrugated cardboard, glue, paint
38"W x 38" H x3"D


corrugated cardboard, glue, paint       36”W x 36”H x 2.5”D - SOLD

H Totem angle.jpg

Horizontal Spindle
Corrugated cardboard, glue, rope, copper pipe
60”W x 16”H x 16”D

Sculpt #4

Corrugated cardboard and glue, charred wood base

11"W x 31"H x 11"D


Tall Sculpt #2

Corrugated cardboard, glue, powder coated metal

16"W x 57”H x 16”D

Tall Sculpt 2.jpg

4-Handled Amphora

Corrugated cardboard, glue, string, rope

13" W x 26" H x 13"D

4-Handled Amphora.jpg

Ringed Amphora 1

Corrugated cardboard, glue

18"W  x 22.5"H x 18"D

Ringed Amphora - crop.jpg

Ringed Amphora 2

Corrugated cardboard, glue

18"W x 30" H x 18"D


Geometry #1

Corrugated cardboard, glue, fiberboard

21”W x 21”H x 2-1/2”D

Round Ripple angle (10 inch).jpg

Round Ripple

corrugated cardboard, glue

21”W x 21”H x 2-1/2”D

Round Ripple (10 inch).jpg

Oval Ripple

Corrugated cardboard, glue, paint, fiberboard

31”W x 24”H x 2-1/2”D

Oval Ripple.jpg

Natural Beads
Corrugated cardboard, glue, pvc, paint
35"W x 9"H x 9"D


Blue Beads  

Corrugated cardboard, glue, paint, charred wood blocks

38"W x 9"H x 9"D


The Yellow and Pink Thing

Corrugated cardboard, glue, wood, paint

16”W x 15”H x 15”D

Moon Jar

Corrugated cardboard, glue

16"W x 24”H x 16”D               

Pink and yellow.jpg

Thank You

Corrugated cardboard, glue, fiberboard

25”W x 25”H x 2-1/2”D


Cooked Rice

Corrugated cardboard, glue, fiberboard

25”W x 25”H x 2-1/2”D

cooked rice.jpg

Tall Sculpt #1

Corrugated cardboard, glue, powder coated metal

16"W x 57”H x 16”D               (SOLD)

Sculpt #1

corrugated cardboard, glue

21”W x 21”H x 8”D



Sculpt #2 and #3

Corrugated cardboard, glue 

6.5"W x 13.5"H x 6.5"D

7"W x 20” H x 7”D     (#3 - SOLD)

Sculpt #2 and #3 (10 inch).jpg

Red Frame

Corrugated cardboard, glue, paint

20”W x 20”H x 1-1/2”D

Red Frame (10 inch).jpg

Red, White, Blue 

Corrugated cardboard, glue, paint, wrapped thread

51”W x 25.5"H x 1-1/2”D

Red Whie Blue Framed.jpg
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 M.A. Bailey - created with

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